Nieuw Deutz-Fahr Agrotron 9340 wielen trekker

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Various configurations at a price of 170850.00 Euro! without VAT! More economical than competitors by 20-22%. Direct deliveries from the factory in Germany!!! Training, Service, Official warranty! Warranty and post-warranty service! Warehouse of spare parts and consumables. Leasing and credit programs! Organization of delivery to any country in the world!
DEUTZ TTCD 7.8 L06 Stage IIIA 4 Valve
Deutz Common Rail (DCR).
6 cylinder. 7775 cm³ capacity with with
double stage turbocharger.
Power at rated speed (2100 rpm) (ECE R
(1900 rpm) (ECE R 120): 340HP/250 kW.
Automatic Function for: 4WD,
Diff.-Lock, PTO. ComforTip headland
management. Hydrostatic steering
with independent pump. Tilting and
adjustable column. Rear ELECTRONIC
lift. Digital display. Comfortip:
sequential drive system.
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)
FRONT SUSPENDED AXLE + Front differential
lock oil-immersed multi-disc + ASM system
Battery: 12V - 180Ah - 1200A (EN) / 800A
(IEC) / 700A (DIN)
Without electrical socket ISO 11783
Without iMonitor (On-Board Computer)
Front headlights for right-hand traffic
Without front work lights on indicators
Front LED work lights on bonnet
2 upper headlights on cab post
Without keyboard control MMI
Without cameras
Fuel tank: 600 l
Fuel tank cap without lock
Air filter with dust ejector, pre-cleaning
via permanent vacuum through the engine
Without Connectivity Value Package
Close centre hydraulic system with "LOAD
SENSING" pump (160 l/min)
Without front hydraulic outlets
Free hydraulic oil return
4 electro-hydraulic rear distributors with
flow regulator and timer
Hydraulic distributors with "Push-pull"
quick couplers and oil recovery tank
Without Application Package Basic
FRONT LINKAGE with double effect cylinders
(5000 kg capacity). 2 additional
headlights on cab post
Electro-hydraulic valve for FRONT LINKAGE
Cat. II fixed upper link for front linkage
Front linkage without accessoires
Three-point linkage with automatic upper
and lower links cat. III
Mechanical right and left tie rod
Lift assistor rams 120 mm (12000 kg
Without front weight frame
Without front plate for front weight
Without front clevis
Self-locking automatic stabilizers
Rear hitch "CEE" with quick adjustment
Without remote controls for automatic
trailer hitch
Drawbar & hitches (SAUERMANN)
Cab with rear opening window
Cab with front fixed window and lateral
opening glasses
Without cooling box
Without automatic steering system
without telematic module
Without GNSS receiver
Headrest for seat
Without bracket for external monitor /
Cab roof with opening HATCH without FOPS
Right fixed ladder
Without interior mirrors
InfoCentrePro with 5" colour display
MaxiVisionPro CAB with: Panorama Window in
the front, interior cover, consolle,
ventilation and heating system,
pre-arrangement for radio with antenna and
4 loudspeakers, tinted glasses (side and
rear), 2 front work lights, ambience
light, automatic direction indicator,
telescopic external mirrors, external
outlet for equipment check, refrigerated
and heated drink storage compartment,
parcel tray. WOLP Panel (Working Operating
light Panel) centralized control panel for
all tractor lights + WorkMonitor
XLarge Vision: right and left telescopic
rear XL mirrors with external courtesy LED
Rear window wiper
Rolling safety seat belt
Leather and fabric passenger seat with
Rear mudguards with push-button panel for
rear lift, electro-hydr. spool valve and
Self-levelling cab with PNEUMATIC
Warning plates
English OECD plates
Standard specs
Without specialization
Front steering mudguards
Tyres Brand supplied by Factory
Continuously Variable Transmission
(TERRAMATIC) with 3 driving strategies
540E/1000/1000E (includes 1" 3/4 with 20
splines stub shaft)
Fixed rear axle
Transmission designed for 60 Km/h, limited
to 40 km/h at super-economy engine speed
GR003 20 litre additional air tank
for pneumatic trailer braking
GS003 Pneumatic trailer braking
system with 3 outlets
RR001 Radar
VJ020 7-pin socket for equipment (ISO
CA005 Heated fuel prefilter
CC112 Vertical exhaust pipe on cab
post with stainless plate on
YI011 FP-PAC (magnetite) ballast for
front linkage (1400 kg)
YQ023 Swinging drawbar cat. IV
AE497 Seat Max-Dynamic Evo DDS XXL
frequency air-suspension with
Dynamic Damping System,
automatic weight adjustment,
adjustable seat position,
document holder, pneumatic
lumbar support, upper backrest
extension, active climate
system, lateral suspension,
fore-aft suspension, swivel LH:
8°, swivel RH: 15°, extra wide
frame 550 mm) and Multifunction
AQ026 AUTOMATIC air conditioning
AV031 Cab roof hatch. 4 front + 4
rear LED work lights on cab
AX001 Cab floor mat cover
CZ121 "WARRIOR GREEN" equipment with
Warrior lettering. Green body,
LED lights pack, Syntetic
leather seat, stainless plate
on muffler.
TC026 User manual (Russian)
RD111 Ballast for rear wheels (4x4
total 1840 kg)
RF1179 Tyres: IF 600/70 R34 front, IF
800/70 R42 rear (fixed rims)
WD030 Rear mudguard extensions
(overall width 3000 mm)
Различные комплектации по цене от 170850,00 Евро! без НДС! Экономичнее конкурентов на 20-22%. Прямые поставки с завода в Германии!!! Обучение, Сервис,Официальная гарантия! гарантийное и послерантийное обслуживание! Склад запчастей и расходных материалов. Лизинговые и кредитные программы !Организация поставки в любую страну Мира!
DEUTZ TTCD 7.8 L06 Stage IIIA 4 Valve
Deutz Common Rail (DCR).
6 cylinder. 7775 cm³ capacity with with
double stage turbocharger.
Power at rated speed (2100 rpm) (ECE R
(1900 rpm) (ECE R 120): 340HP/250 kW.
Automatic Function for: 4WD,
Diff.-Lock, PTO. ComforTip headland
management. Hydrostatic steering
with independent pump. Tilting and
adjustable column. Rear ELECTRONIC
lift. Digital display. Comfortip:
sequential drive system.
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)
FRONT SUSPENDED AXLE + Front differential
lock oil-immersed multi-disc + ASM system
Battery: 12V - 180Ah - 1200A (EN) / 800A
(IEC) / 700A (DIN)
Without electrical socket ISO 11783
Without iMonitor (On-Board Computer)
Front headlights for right-hand traffic
Without front work lights on indicators
Front LED work lights on bonnet
2 upper headlights on cab post
Without keyboard control MMI
Without cameras
Fuel tank: 600 l
Fuel tank cap without lock
Air filter with dust ejector, pre-cleaning
via permanent vacuum through the engine
Without Connectivity Value Package
Close centre hydraulic system with "LOAD
SENSING" pump (160 l/min)
Without front hydraulic outlets
Free hydraulic oil return
4 electro-hydraulic rear distributors with
flow regulator and timer
Hydraulic distributors with "Push-pull"
quick couplers and oil recovery tank
Without Application Package Basic
FRONT LINKAGE with double effect cylinders
(5000 kg capacity). 2 additional
headlights on cab post
Electro-hydraulic valve for FRONT LINKAGE
Cat. II fixed upper link for front linkage
Front linkage without accessoires
Three-point linkage with automatic upper
and lower links cat. III
Mechanical right and left tie rod
Lift assistor rams 120 mm (12000 kg
Without front weight frame
Without front plate for front weight
Without front clevis
Self-locking automatic stabilizers
Rear hitch "CEE" with quick adjustment
Without remote controls for automatic
trailer hitch
Drawbar & hitches (SAUERMANN)
Cab with rear opening window
Cab with front fixed window and lateral
opening glasses
Without cooling box
Without automatic steering system
without telematic module
Without GNSS receiver
Headrest for seat
Without bracket for external monitor /
Cab roof with opening HATCH without FOPS
Right fixed ladder
Without interior mirrors
InfoCentrePro with 5" colour display
MaxiVisionPro CAB with: Panorama Window in
the front, interior cover, consolle,
ventilation and heating system,
pre-arrangement for radio with antenna and
4 loudspeakers, tinted glasses (side and
rear), 2 front work lights, ambience
light, automatic direction indicator,
telescopic external mirrors, external
outlet for equipment check, refrigerated
and heated drink storage compartment,
parcel tray. WOLP Panel (Working Operating
light Panel) centralized control panel for
all tractor lights + WorkMonitor
XLarge Vision: right and left telescopic
rear XL mirrors with external courtesy LED
Rear window wiper
Rolling safety seat belt
Leather and fabric passenger seat with
Rear mudguards with push-button panel for
rear lift, electro-hydr. spool valve and
Self-levelling cab with PNEUMATIC
Warning plates
English OECD plates
Standard specs
Without specialization
Front steering mudguards
Tyres Brand supplied by Factory
Continuously Variable Transmission
(TERRAMATIC) with 3 driving strategies
540E/1000/1000E (includes 1" 3/4 with 20
splines stub shaft)
Fixed rear axle
Transmission designed for 60 Km/h, limited
to 40 km/h at super-economy engine speed
GR003 20 litre additional air tank
for pneumatic trailer braking
GS003 Pneumatic trailer braking
system with 3 outlets
RR001 Radar
VJ020 7-pin socket for equipment (ISO
CA005 Heated fuel prefilter
CC112 Vertical exhaust pipe on cab
post with stainless plate on
YI011 FP-PAC (magnetite) ballast for
front linkage (1400 kg)
YQ023 Swinging drawbar cat. IV
AE497 Seat Max-Dynamic Evo DDS XXL
frequency air-suspension with
Dynamic Damping System,
automatic weight adjustment,
adjustable seat position,
document holder, pneumatic
lumbar support, upper backrest
extension, active climate
system, lateral suspension,
fore-aft suspension, swivel LH:
8°, swivel RH: 15°, extra wide
frame 550 mm) and Multifunction
AQ026 AUTOMATIC air conditioning
AV031 Cab roof hatch. 4 front + 4
rear LED work lights on cab
AX001 Cab floor mat cover
CZ121 "WARRIOR GREEN" equipment with
Warrior lettering. Green body,
LED lights pack, Syntetic
leather seat, stainless plate
on muffler.
TC026 User manual (Russian)
RD111 Ballast for rear wheels (4x4
total 1840 kg)
RF1179 Tyres: IF 600/70 R34 front, IF
800/70 R42 rear (fixed rims)
WD030 Rear mudguard extensions
(overall width 3000 mm)
Різні комплектації за ціною від 170 850,00 Євро! без ПДВ! Економічніше конкурентів на 20-22%. Прямі поставки із заводу в Німеччині! Навчання, Сервіс, Офіційна гарантія! гарантійне та післярантійне обслуговування! Склад запчастин та витратних матеріалів. Лізингові та кредитні програми ! Організація поставки в будь-яку країну Світу!
DEUTZ TTCD 7.8 L06 Stage IIIA 4 Valve
Deutz Common Rail (DCR).
6 cylinder. 7775 cm³ capacity with with
double stage turbocharger.
Power at rated speed (2100 rpm) (ECE R
(1900 rpm) (ECE R 120): 340HP/250 kW.
Automatic Function for: 4WD,
Diff.-Lock, PTO. ComforTip headland
management. Hydrostatic steering
with independent pump. Tilting and
adjustable column. Rear ELECTRONIC
lift. Digital display. Comfortip:
sequential drive system.
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)
FRONT SUSPENDED AXLE + Front differential
lock oil-immersed multi-disc + ASM system
Battery: 12V - 180Ah - 1200A (EN) / 800A
(IEC) / 700A (DIN)
Without electrical socket ISO 11783
Without iMonitor (On-Board Computer)
Front headlights for right-hand traffic
Without front work lights on indicators
Front LED work lights on bonnet
2 upper headlights on cab post
Without keyboard control MMI
Without cameras
Fuel tank: 600 l
Fuel tank cap without lock
Air filter with dust ejector, pre-cleaning
via permanent vacuum through the engine
Without Connectivity Value Package
Close centre hydraulic system with "LOAD
SENSING" pump (160 l/min)
Without front hydraulic outlets
Free hydraulic oil return
4 electro-hydraulic rear distributors with
flow regulator and timer
Hydraulic distributors with "Push-pull"
quick couplers and oil recovery tank
Without Application Package Basic
FRONT LINKAGE with double effect cylinders
(5000 kg capacity). 2 additional
headlights on cab post
Electro-hydraulic valve for FRONT LINKAGE
Cat. II fixed upper link for front linkage
Front linkage without accessoires
Three-point linkage with automatic upper
and lower links cat. III
Mechanical right and left tie rod
Lift assistor rams 120 mm (12000 kg
Without front weight frame
Without front plate for front weight
Without front clevis
Self-locking automatic stabilizers
Rear hitch "CEE" with quick adjustment
Without remote controls for automatic
trailer hitch
Drawbar & hitches (SAUERMANN)
Cab with rear opening window
Cab with front fixed window and lateral
opening glasses
Without cooling box
Without automatic steering system
without telematic module
Without GNSS receiver
Headrest for seat
Without bracket for external monitor /
Cab roof with opening HATCH without FOPS
Right fixed ladder
Without interior mirrors
InfoCentrePro with 5" colour display
MaxiVisionPro CAB with: Panorama Window in
the front, interior cover, consolle,
ventilation and heating system,
pre-arrangement for radio with antenna and
4 loudspeakers, tinted glasses (side and
rear), 2 front work lights, ambience
light, automatic direction indicator,
telescopic external mirrors, external
outlet for equipment check, refrigerated
and heated drink storage compartment,
parcel tray. WOLP Panel (Working Operating
light Panel) centralized control panel for
all tractor lights + WorkMonitor
XLarge Vision: right and left telescopic
rear XL mirrors with external courtesy LED
Rear window wiper
Rolling safety seat belt
Leather and fabric passenger seat with
Rear mudguards with push-button panel for
rear lift, electro-hydr. spool valve and
Self-levelling cab with PNEUMATIC
Warning plates
English OECD plates
Standard specs
Without specialization
Front steering mudguards
Tyres Brand supplied by Factory
Continuously Variable Transmission
(TERRAMATIC) with 3 driving strategies
540E/1000/1000E (includes 1" 3/4 with 20
splines stub shaft)
Fixed rear axle
Transmission designed for 60 Km/h, limited
to 40 km/h at super-economy engine speed
GR003 20 litre additional air tank
for pneumatic trailer braking
GS003 Pneumatic trailer braking
system with 3 outlets
RR001 Radar
VJ020 7-pin socket for equipment (ISO
CA005 Heated fuel prefilter
CC112 Vertical exhaust pipe on cab
post with stainless plate on
YI011 FP-PAC (magnetite) ballast for
front linkage (1400 kg)
YQ023 Swinging drawbar cat. IV
AE497 Seat Max-Dynamic Evo DDS XXL
frequency air-suspension with
Dynamic Damping System,
automatic weight adjustment,
adjustable seat position,
document holder, pneumatic
lumbar support, upper backrest
extension, active climate
system, lateral suspension,
fore-aft suspension, swivel LH:
8°, swivel RH: 15°, extra wide
frame 550 mm) and Multifunction
AQ026 AUTOMATIC air conditioning
AV031 Cab roof hatch. 4 front + 4
rear LED work lights on cab
AX001 Cab floor mat cover
CZ121 "WARRIOR GREEN" equipment with
Warrior lettering. Green body,
LED lights pack, Syntetic
leather seat, stainless plate
on muffler.
TC026 User manual (Russian)
RD111 Ballast for rear wheels (4x4
total 1840 kg)
RF1179 Tyres: IF 600/70 R34 front, IF
800/70 R42 rear (fixed rims)
WD030 Rear mudguard extensions
(overall width 3000 mm)