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In voorraad: 20 advertenties
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Nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine

nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 2
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 3
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 4
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 5
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 6
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 7
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 8
nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine foto 9
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Merk: Elibol
Jaar: 2025-01
Eerste registratie: 2025-01-31
Standplaats: Turkije Karatay/Konya8872 km van u
Datum van invoering: 13 feb 2025
Agronetto ID: LJ30708
Zaaidiepte: 1 mm
Afdekking: 2 m
Aantal rijen: 15
Rij-afstand: 45 mm
Capaciteit: 5 ha/uur
Tankvolume: 1.000 l
Operationele snelheid: 7 km/u
Benodigde trekkervermogen: 60 PK
Afmetingen: 3 m × 2 m × 1,6 m
Conditie: nieuw
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Kleur: blauw
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Overige details — Nieuw Elibol pneumatische precisiezaaimachine

It is a sowing machine that is attached to the tractor with the three-point suspension system and leaves the seeds precisely at the desired depth and between the desired rows. Our machine, which sows seeds of different classes such as sunflower, corn, melon, watermelon, zucchini, soybean, peanut, fiber removed cottonseed, beet, cucumber, sesame, tomato, onion, carrot with the desired precision, with 2,4,5,6,7,8 rows. It is produced in fertilizer and fertilizer-free models. In-row distance is variable (from 1.5 cm to 162 cm). The distance between rows is 25 to 130 cm. Even at low engine speeds, it makes the sowing of seeds without damaging it with the fan with high suction power. The main chassis of our machine and the chassis where the units are located are designed to be durable for many years for difficult working conditions. Our machine is designed and designed for sowing to the desired depth even in the driest climates. Furrow openers and soil covers are manufactured with this principle, strong and durable. Even in sandy soils, the risk of seed leakage is eliminated by seed movement using large-sized tires. In addition, this trackwheel can optionally be made movable (spring). Thanks to the easy opening of the vacuum cover of the seed unit, easy disc change, fast and detailed cleaning of the seed unit and unloading of the seed are done easily and quickly. Optionally, reverse blowing system, powder spray system, life water system, nylon system, double disc system can be installed. Machines have a practical plug-in crankshaft. Optionally, double or single piston marker arms can be installed. Optionally, computerized seed control, disc control and turning counters can be installed on the machines.
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Prijs op aanvraag
Zaaidiepte 1 mm Afdekking 2 m Aantal rijen 15 Rij-afstand 13 mm Capaciteit 5 ha/uur Operationele snelheid 7 km/u
Turkije, Karatay/Konya
Contact opnemen met verkoper