Claas Lexion 780TT maaidorser

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Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 2206 h
= More information =
Type: Combine
Front tyre size: 735TT
Rear tyre size: 710/60R30
General condition: good
Please contact Artūras Lapėta or Daniel Wójcik for more information
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Zusätzliche Information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Mähdrescher Typ : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 2206 h
= Weitere Informationen =
Typ: Mähdrescher
Reifengröße vorn: 735TT
Reifengröße hinten: 710/60R30
Allgemeiner Zustand: gut
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Información Adicional :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Tipo de cosechadora : Híbrido
Thresher hours : 2206 h
= Más información =
Tipo: Combinado
Tamaño del neumático delantero: 735TT
Tamaño del neumático trasero: 710/60R30
Estado general: bueno
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Lisäinformaatio :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Leikkuupuimurin tyyppi : Hybridi
Thresher hours : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Informations Complémentaires :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Combiner le type de moissonneuse : Hybride
Thresher hours : 2206 h
= Plus d'informations =
Modèle: Combiné
Dimension des pneus avant: 735TT
Dimension des pneus arrière: 710/60R30
État général: bon
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
További információ :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Kombájn típus : Hibrid
Cséplőórák : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Extra informatie :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Type maaidorser : Hybride
Dorsuur uren : 2206 h
= Meer informatie =
Type: Combine
Bandenmaat voor: 735TT
Bandenmaat achter: 710/60R30
Algemene staat: goed
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ytterligere informasjon :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
skurtresker type : Hybrid
Treskertimer : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Dodatkowe informacje :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Numer przedmiotu: K00016
Rok produkcji: 2016
Ilość roboczogodzin silnika: 3732
Ilość roboczogodzin bębna: 2206
Moc silnika: 625
Przednie koła/gąsienica: 735TT
Tylnie koła: 710/60R30
Odpylacz pyły w podajniku
Kwantymetr/Wydajność, wskaźnik wilgotności
Miernik ziarna
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Kompresor powietrza
Header: V1230
Typ kombajnu zbożowego : Hybrydowy
Thresher hours : 2206 h
= Więcej informacji =
Typ: Kombajn
Rozmiar opon przednich: 735TT
Rozmiar opon tylnych: 710/60R30
Stan ogólny: dobrze
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, należy skontaktować się z Daniel Wójcik
Tamanho do pneu dianteiro: 735TT
Tamanho do pneu traseiro: 710/60R30
Estado geral: bom
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Дополнительная информация :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Номер объекта: K00016
Год: 2016
Наработка двигатель: 3732
Наработка барабан: 2206
Мощьность двигателя: 625 л.с.
Жатка: V1230
Передие колёса/гусеницы: 735TT
Задние колёса: 710/60R30
Отсос пыли на наклонной камере
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Жатка: V1230
Тип зерноуборочного комбайна : Гибрид
Thresher hours : 2206 h
= Дополнительная информация =
Тип: Комбайн
Размер передних шин: 735TT
Размер задних шин: 710/60R30
Общее состояние: хорошее
Свяжитесь с Artūras Lapėta для получения дополнительной информации
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ďalšie informácie :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Typ kombajnu : Hybrid
Hodiny mlátičky : 2206 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Annan Information :
Claas Lexion 780TT
Object No: K00016
Year of manufacture: 2016
Engine hours: 3732
Drum hours: 2206
Engine power: 625
Front tyres/tracks: 735TT
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS AUTO - Auto Crop Flow
CEMOS AUTO - Cruise Pilot
Air compressor
GPS ready
Header: V1200
Typ av tröska : Hybrid
Verktimmar : 2206 h