Nieuw Continuous cultivator GREEN WEEDER 7.5m

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Working bodies cultivators - Universal lancet paws with a molded edge analogue paws WILL RICH and loosening paws.
The working bodies are placed on the frame in five rows, which allows the cultivator to work more efficiently in the presence of a large number of crop residues and their passage through the frame without clogging it.
The widths of the working part of the paws are 100mm, 150mm, 180mm, 200mm, 230mm, 260mm, 280mm, 300mm.
In the basic configuration, cultivators are equipped with paws with a working width of 260 mm, which provide overlap of adjacent paws by 40 mm, and according to all agronomic studies, this overlap provides 100% cutting of weed roots.
The cultivator paws are attached to the struts of the spring bracket with a spring actuation force in a range, from 100 to 120 kg, which is adjustable using the adjusting bolt.
Each spring bracket is equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the tilt of the paw relative to the surface, which allows you to more accurately adjust the unit to specific agricultural conditions.
The cultivator is equipped with a three-row train harrow and a slat- ribbed spiral roller.
The hinged plow harrow allows you to align the soil well after the passage of the legs. The uniform distribution of crop residues after the passage of the harrow ensures uniform saturation of the soil with organic substances and moisture conservation, which in turn will directly affect the future crop.
The planar- ribbed spiral roller is designed to level the soil surface and crumble the lumps of lancet paws and train harrows remaining after the passage .
A feature of these cultivators is that in the transport position their dimensions do not exceed the maximum permitted by Euro standards.
Technical characteristics of the GREEN WEEDER 7,5m cultivator:
Productivity at a speed of 12 km / h
8.7 ha / hour
Working speed
8 - 12 km / h
Working width
7.45 m
Processing depth
5 - 15 cm
Number of Cutting Feet
41 pcs
Cutting Foot Width
254 mm
Step of arrangement of working bodies
180 mm
Step between working bodies in a row
720 mm
Number of Rollers
3 pc
Roller Diameter
Number of train harrows
3 pc
Number of rows of train harrows
3 pc
Number of teeth in loops
90 pcs
Overall dimensions, m:
- in working position (L / W / H)
- in transport position (L / W / H)
Unit weight
3925 kg
Tractor power (not less)
200 hp .
A type
Working bodies cultivators - Universal lancet paws with a molded edge analogue paws WILL RICH and loosening paws.
The working bodies are placed on the frame in five rows, which allows the cultivator to work more efficiently in the presence of a large number of crop residues and their passage through the frame without clogging it.
The widths of the working part of the paws are 100mm, 150mm, 180mm, 200mm, 230mm, 260mm, 280mm, 300mm.
In the basic configuration, cultivators are equipped with paws with a working width of 260 mm, which provide overlap of adjacent paws by 40 mm, and according to all agronomic studies, this overlap provides 100% cutting of weed roots.
The cultivator paws are attached to the struts of the spring bracket with a spring actuation force in a range, from 100 to 120 kg, which is adjustable using the adjusting bolt.
Each spring bracket is equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the tilt of the paw relative to the surface, which allows you to more accurately adjust the unit to specific agricultural conditions.
The cultivator is equipped with a three-row train harrow and a slat- ribbed spiral roller.
The hinged plow harrow allows you to align the soil well after the passage of the legs. The uniform distribution of crop residues after the passage of the harrow ensures uniform saturation of the soil with organic substances and moisture conservation, which in turn will directly affect the future crop.
The planar- ribbed spiral roller is designed to level the soil surface and crumble the lumps of lancet paws and train harrows remaining after the passage .
A feature of these cultivators is that in the transport position their dimensions do not exceed the maximum permitted by Euro standards.
Technical characteristics of the GREEN WEEDER 7,5m cultivator:
Productivity at a speed of 12 km / h : 8.7 ha / hour
Working speed : 8 - 12 km / h
Working width : 7.45 m
Processing depth : 5 - 15 cm
Number of Cutting Feet : 41 pcs
Cutting Foot Width : 254 mm
Step of arrangement of working bodies : 180 mm
Step between working bodies in a row : 720 mm
Number of Rollers : 3 pc
Roller Diameter : 320mm
Number of train harrows : 3 pc
Number of rows of train harrows : 3 pc
Number of teeth in loops : 90 pcs
- in working position (L / W / H) : 6.55x7.46x1.63
- in transport position (L / W / H) : 6.55x2.95x3.85
Unit weight : 3925 kg
Tractor power (not less) : 200 hp .
A type : trailed